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LOSING ABORIGINAL LANDS "Assist the King and you will find it to your advantage." General Haldimand Review Questions Vocabulary: encroachment, relentless, insatiable, mania, onslaught, squatters, mayhem, subversive, sachem, allegiance, guillotine, contrive, seduce, bribe, fraudulent, renegade, bauble, interlopers. 1. (a) American settlers saw only all that open land and took it. What were the consequeneces? 2. Why was it natural for them to blame the British? 3. The Amerindians were faced with difficult decisions regarding their land. What were these? 3. Many sachems sold land to the whiteman. (a) Evaluate their decision to do this by giving reasons to support or oppose their decision. 4. Tecumseh differed from most other sachems. (a) What was his solution? (b) What consequences flowed from his solution? 5. Tecumseh never received the support from sachems he hoped for. Why do you think this was the case? 6. (a)What was Joseph Brant's hope and expectation? (b) Why did was this not achieved? 7. Indian superintendents said it was difficult to deal fairly with the Natives? Why and what does this tell you about the times? 8 A philosophy of life is an overall vision or attitude toward life and its purpose. (a)Describe and evaluate Tecumseh's philosophy. 9. Explain: (a) tribes saw their way of life "written on the wind"; (b) pathetic pattern; (c) made to smart; (d) punitive treaties; (e)peace parley; (f) to ensure an absolute redress; (g) renegade representatives; (h) 10. Justify using the name 'veteran' to describe Tecumseh. 11 How were attacks on 'difficult' Natuves justified by American leaders? 12. Explain how does the definition, "History is the world's court" apply to this narrative? 13. What did General Haldimand mean by his statement above to Native leaders? 14. To what does the 'gathering storm' refer? Copyright © 2013 Website Administrator |
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