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History tells how it really was.

Review Questions

copious, hustings, legitimacy, returning officer, milling, assessments, artifice, malice, alienate, campaigners, electioneering, zeal, ardent, lamented, raucous, be-election, polls, lamented, shoo-in, canvass, deception, cynical, opulent, unanimous, perennial. Review the following questions before reading the narrative, and answer them after completing it.

1. Standards for elections have changed over the years? How?

2. How would you describe David William Smith's attitude towards elections and the electors? Jusify your answer.

2. There was no secret ballot in those days. Voters voted by raising their hands for the candidate of their choice. How might this have contributed to more boisterous elections?

3. Explain: (a) sleazy campaign slander; (b) puny fabrications to alienate your favour; (c) barefaced falsehoods; (d) shallow artifice of exploded fibs; (e) making copious notes; (f) the riot act was read; (g) raise a hue and cry; (h) inimical to peace and good order; (i) a spontaneous fight; (j) the more opulent classes; (k) zeal heightened by ardent spirits; (l)neither rubber stamps nor pawns; (m)wretched misrepresentation.

5. Voters had to be heartier in those days. Give several reasons why.

6. What is necessary for the formation of a political party?

7. Why do you think the voters were suspicious of political parties?

8. (a)What is a political platform? (b) Why is it needed?

9. Briefly summarize the main theme and the important details of this narrative.

10. Describe the strategy the supporters of Henry Alcock used to try to ensure his election.


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