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CHAMPLAIN & THE FUR TRADE Champlain nothing loath was the man for the enterprise. Review Questions Vocabulary: truce, augur, palisade, habitation, moat, prolific, alliance, lurk, scurvy, brooked, confederacy, linguistic, 1. (a) What figures of speech are used to describe the way the Iroquois fought. (b) Describe how they fought. 2. Explain: (a) cemented close relations; (b)awaited the onslaught; (c) advance warily; (d) threatening ominously; (e) released them from their transfixed spell; (f) the spilling of blood ever sate; (g)nursed a hatred; (h)enforced residency; (i)the power of the king paled before the power of the church; (j) distrust is the mother of safety. 3. What were Champlain's three main tasks? 4. Why were the Mohawks and the Seneca tribes particularly important for their confederacy? 6. French furs depended on friendship and friendship depended on war. Explain. 5. Explain "intrepid, insatiably curious Champlain." 6. Discipline and defence were not particularly strong aspects of the Iroquois military. Why? 7 Why do you think the Native warriors daubed themselves with war paint? 8. Champlain was very impressed with the the birch bark canoe and considered it vital to his work in Canada. Why? 9. Parley before battle was contrary to the established practice of Native warfare. Why and what then would be the established practice? 10 (a) 'Fleeing foe,' and 'winding wilderness' are examples of what literary device?(b) Find several other examples. 11. For what is Louis Hebert remembered? 12. What does 'unsheathed their swords' mean as used in the narrative? 13. Why do you think Arthur R.M. Lower, a noted Canadian historian, would make this somewhat disparaging remark about the way Canadian schools teach history? Copyright © 2013 Website Administrator |
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