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History like much human experience is essentially tragic.

Review Questions

Menace, capitulation, spontaneously, polluting, native, calamity, tumult, disaffected, feu de joie, solitary, ceasefire, diverges, mortally, myth, elation, Pyrrhic, lamented, lamented, render, bedewed

1. Given Brock's normally even temper, how do you explain his angry outburst at the ship's captain?

2. How do we know that Brock was loved as well as admired?

3. Brock was pleased with his fine reception, but even more gratified by its implications. Why?

4. How did Brock indicate to his commanding general,Sir George Prevost, that he was not happy with the truce negotiated by Prevost?

5. What does the failure to occure of the feint with American forces tell you about their leadership?

6. Brock made good his foothold in history. What does this mean?

7. What elevated him to hero status?

8. Evaluate Brock's decision at the Heights.

9. What is a Pyrrhic victory?

10. Explain: (a) blurred triumph and tragedy; (b) a public calamity; (c) a Pyrrhic victory; (d) superb coincidences in which history abounds and give an example; (e) diversionary feint;(f) made a myth on which names and nations are created; (g) golden moment; (h) his private worth.

11. Brock's aide considered his death a public calamity. What does this mean and why did he feel this way?

12. Sheaffe showed common sense by not duplicating Brock's brash assault up the heights in the face of the enemy. While Sheaffe was the real victor of the Battle of Queenston Heights, Brock is usually given the credit. (a) Comment on why you think this is so and give your opinion on the matter.


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